I am an Assistant Professor (Maître de Conférences) at the Department of Mathematics of Université Paris-Saclay. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at EPFL in BAN chair. I did my PhD at Inria Paris under the supervision of Laurent Massoulié and Marc Lelarge. Here is a short CV.
I am currently working on:
- Statistical inference in graphs and matrices
- Informational and computational thresholds for algorithms on random instances
- Optimal transport for statistical learning
- Bayesian networks, causality and fairness
Email adress: luca [dot] ganassali [at] universite-paris-saclay [dot] fr
Physical adress: Bâtiment 307, rue Michel Magat, Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay, 91400 Orsay
- I am looking for a PhD student! Together with Evgenii Chzhen, we have a PhD offer at the interface between mathematical statistics and machine learning, namely about Handling unfairness in data: modelling, detecting, and debiasing. Have a look at the PhD proposal. Students are encouraged to apply by email.
- January 2025: Together with Matteo d'Achille, we propose a Master 1 'TER' research subject (in French) for Orsay students, entitled "Matching de nuages de points aléatoires: étude combinatoire, probabiliste et informationnelle". The subject can be found here. Students from Orsay are encouraged to apply by email before the end of February 2025.
- December 4th-5th 2024: I will be participating to NeurIPS@Paris 2024. I'll be presenting our recent work (joint with Mathieu, Jakob and Laurent), Aligning Embeddings and Geometric Random Graphs: Informational Results and Computational Approaches for the Procrustes-Wasserstein Problem. Check out the paper here!
- I recently gave an introductionary talk at IHES about Unsupervised Alignment of Graphs and Embeddings: Fundamental Limits and Computational Methods. [Youtube link].
M. Even, L. Ganassali, J. Maier, L. Massoulié. Aligning Embeddings and Geometric Random Graphs: Informational Results and Computational Approaches for the Procrustes-Wasserstein Problem, 2024, NeurIPS 2024.
F. Jamshidi, L. Ganassali, N. Kiyavash. On sample complexity of conditional independence testing with Von Mises estimator with application to causal discovery, 2023, ICML 2024.
[PMLR] [arXiv]
S. Akbari, L. Ganassali, N. Kiyavash. Learning causal graphs via monotone triangular transport maps, 2023, NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Optimal Transport and Machine Learning.
L. Ganassali, L. Massoulié, G. Semerjian. Statistical limits of correlation detection in trees, 2022, Annals of Applied Probability.
[journal] [arXiv]
L. Ganassali. The graph alignment problem: fundamental limits and efficient algorithms, PhD dissertation, 2022.
[pdf] [arXiv]
L. Ganassali, M. Lelarge, L. Massoulié. Correlation detection in trees for partial graph alignment, 2021, Annals of Applied Probability (short version: ITCS 2022).
[journal] [ITCS (extended abstract)] [arXiv]
L. Ganassali, M. Lelarge, L. Massoulié. Impossibility of Partial Recovery in the Graph Alignment Problem, 2021, COLT 2021.
[PMLR] [COLT presentation] [arXiv]
L. Ganassali. Sharp threshold for alignment of graph databases with Gaussian weights, 2020, Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning (MSML21).
[PMLR] [MSML presentation] [arXiv]
M. Akian, L. Ganassali, S. Gaubert, L. Massoulié. Probabilistic and mean-field model of COVID-19 epidemics with user mobility and contact tracing, 2020, preprint.
L. Ganassali, L. Massoulié. From tree matching to sparse graph alignment, 2020, COLT 2020.
[PMLR] [COLT presentation] [arXiv]
L. Ganassali, M. Lelarge, L. Massoulié. Spectral alignment of correlated Gaussian random matrices, 2019, Advances in Applied Probability.